11 research outputs found

    Charakter zaburzeń mowy w chorobie Parkinsona

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    Streszczenie Celem pracy było omówienie fizjologii i patologii mowy oraz dokonanie przeglądu piśmiennictwa dotyczącego badań nad zaburzeniami mowy w chorobie Parkinsona. Ponadto wskazano najskuteczniejsze metody diagnostyki zaburzeń mowy w tym schorzeniu. Omówiono czynniki wpływające na nasilenie zaburzeń mowy: artykulacyjne, oddechowe, akustyczne oraz pragmatyczne. Opisano najważniejsze metody stosowane w terapii mowy: farmakologiczne i behawioralne. Szczególnie podkreślono rolę programu Lee Silverman Voice Treatment w terapii mowy w chorobie Parkinsona

    Articulation disorders and duration, severity and l-dopa dosage in idiopathic Parkinson's disease

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    Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). It is frequently heralded by speech disturbances, which are one of its first symptoms. Aim The aim of this paper is to share our own experience concerning the correlation between the severity of speech disorders and the PD duration, its severity and the intake of l-dopa. Material and methods The research included 93 patients with idiopathic PD, aged 26–86 years (mean age 65.1 years). Participants were examined neurologically according to the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and the Hoehn and Yahr Scale. They were also assessed by Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment. Results Considerable and severe disorders were concurrent with impairments in the mobility of the tongue, lips, the jaw as well as the pitch and loudness of the voice. The strongest correlation but at a moderate level was found to exist between the severity of labial impairment, voice loudness and the length of the disease. There was also a positive correlation between lip movement while the motions were being diversified, lip arrangement while speaking and the intake of l-dopa. Conclusions As PD progresses a significant decline in vocal articulation can be observed, which is due to reduced mobility within the lips and the jaw. Exacerbation of articulation disorders resulting from progression of the disease does not materially influence the UPDRSS scores. l-dopa has been found to positively affect the mobility of the lips while the patient is speaking and their arrangement at rest

    The analysis of relationship between selected sociodemografic factors and disorders of speech organs in Parkinson`s patients

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    Abstract Background Evaluation of speech disorders in PD taking into account sociodemographic conditions is not frequent. This paper aims to establish correlations between articulation disorders in PD patients and factors such as the patients’ sex, age, education and residence. Methods The study included 92 patients with idiopathic PD diagnosed by means of multiple neurological examinations, biochemical tests, MRI and CT scanning carried out in accordance with the United Kingdom Parkinson’s Disease Society Brain Bank (UKPDSBB) criteria. A speech and language test involved the assessment of the mobility of the speech organs as well as the reflexes inside the oral cavity. Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment was applied for an objective evaluation of dysarthria. Results The study revealed the existence of significant relationship between the functionality of articulators in PD patients and their education and residence. Big city dwellers demonstrated lower incidence of disorders within speech organs, particularly those affecting mobility of the soft palate while eating. Disorders of moderate intensity were more frequently found in subjects living in villages. Subjects with a university education displayed better position of the lips at rest and better performance of both lips and the mandible while speaking. Conclusions Abnormal functioning of the articulatory organs was observed more frequently in PD patients residing in rural areas than in those inhabiting urban areas. As for education, our cohort university graduates displayed a better position of the lips at rest and better performance of the lips and jaw during speaking than those with secondary and vocational education

    The impact of muscle tone on the development of auditory perception – research orientation

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    Background . Our brain accomplishes the remarkable feat of processing a continuous stream of incoming sensory information at an astonishing speed. Auditory perception is a complex process of organizing sensory information received by the brain through the auditory system. Objectives . Auditory perception in children affected with pathological muscle tone, including a comparison of spatial localization in children without tonus abnormalities; the influence of age and gender on auditory reactions in children with and without pathological muscle tone. Material and methods . The studied group consisted of 29 (100%) subjects, made up of 8 females (28%) and 21 males (72%), all afflicted with tonus pathology. The children were aged between 30 and 116 weeks (mean age 44.6 weeks) and divided into subgroups according to their levels of motor development. The control group was composed of 30 children, whose motor development was within norm limits. Results . A delayed motor development in children corresponds with spatial hearing impairment. Children have a particular problem with locating sounds coming from above and below the head. The main factors contributing to abnormal auditory perception include: delayed physical development, reduced muscle tone and age. Conclusions . Our study demonstrates a significant relationship between pathological tonus and auditory perception disorders. Abnormal auditory reactions could be observed in children with pathological tonus. This, in turn, affects the development of spatial hearing. A relationship has been found between children’s age and spatial hearing. Children under 40 weeks of age tended to have worse hearing reactions than older children

    Acute Tongue Swelling as a Still Unexpected Manifestation of Internal Carotid Artery Dissection: A Case Report

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    The diagnosis of internal carotid artery dissection (ICAD) at the stage of local signs is essential in the prevention of the life-treating cerebral complication; however, making this diagnosis has significant difficulties. We present the case of a 36-year-old female with left ICAD with asymmetric left-sided tongue swelling as an unusual and still unexpected symptom. The patient’s complaints at admission were left-sided numbness of the tongue and swallowing difficulties but its movements were intact. Despite the provided treatment for suspected angioedema, no improvement was noted. Additional examination revealed left-sided tongue weakness, ipsilateral soft palate palsy, paralysis and reduced tension of the left vocal fold, and left-sided Horner’s syndrome. Another suspected diagnosis was a dysfunction of the IX, X, and XII cranial nerves. A head MRI revealed an intramural hematoma of the left internal carotid artery. The radiologists suggested ICAD. The angio-MRI of the head arteries confirmed this diagnosis. The patient received dual antiplatelet therapy. The neuro-logopaedic therapy was also implemented. Currently, the patient’s symptoms are gradually improving with significantly better results on follow-up neuroimaging. Among the possible local symptoms of ICAD, proper attention should be paid to asymmetric swelling of the tongue as an atypical manifestation of damage to the hypoglossal nerve

    The Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Respiratory Function in Patients Eligible for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

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    Introduction: Spirometry performed prior to surgery provides information on the types of lung disorders in patients. The purpose of this study was to look for a relationship between the prevalence of diabetes and spirometry parameters. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in patients with coronary artery disease who were eligible for an isolated coronary artery bypass graft in 2013. The study group included 367 patients (287 men and 80 women) aged 68.7 ± 8.4 years. They were divided into those with diagnosed diabetes (group I, n = 138, 37.6%) and without diabetes (group II, n = 229, 62.4%). Spirometry tests were performed on the day of admission to the hospital. Results: Patients with diabetes (group I) had a significantly higher body mass index than those without diabetes (group II). Spirometry tests also showed that patients with diabetes had statistically significantly lower forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1.0). Both FVC and FEV1.0 were also statistically significantly lower for overweight and obese individuals in group I than those in group II. Conclusion: Patients with diabetes eligible for coronary artery bypass grafting with concurrent overweight or obesity are more likely to have lower spirometry parameters than those without diabetes

    Sensory Integration Disorders in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Sensory integration disorder (SID) is also called, interchangeably, sensory processing disorder (SPD). Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune, chronic, neurological disease of the central nervous system. Sensorimotor function disorders are present in both multiple sclerosis and SID. The study aimed to assess the SID among patients with MS and included 141 patients with relapse-remitting MS and 72 participants in the control group. To assess SID in both groups, a questionnaire prepared by Daniel Travis was used. Additionally, participants answered questions regarding their age, gender, handedness and in the study group about the duration of the disease, relapses in the past year and the advancement of the disease using EDSS. The occurrence of sensory seeking was significantly more frequent in the MS patients with relapses in the past year. Patients with MS had more often general disorders of sensory integration in the past. However, healthy subjects significantly more often showed the severity of social and emotional disorders in the past. Currently, the group of MS patients has a greater intensity of sensor-based motor abilities. The study revealed more severe SID in MS patients than in the control group. Still, more research is needed in this field

    Cross-Sectional Inverse Associations of Obesity and Fat Accumulation Indicators with Testosterone in Non-Diabetic Aging Men

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    Introduction/Objective: The aim of the study was to show which of the adipose tissue accumulation indicators correlate with testosterone disorders in non-diabetic aging men. Material and methods: 455 non diabetic men, recruited at primary care facilities, aged 50–75 participated in the study. The participants underwent anthropometric measurement and ELISA determination of total testosterone (TT), estradiol (E2), dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S), sex hormone binding protein (SHBG), and the determination of fasting glucose (FPG), high-density lipids cholesterol (HDL-Ch), and triacylglycerols (TAG) in serum. The following indicators were calculated: body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), lipid accumulation product (LAP), and visceral adiposity index (VAI). Results: Men with testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS) differed in each of the assessed obesity indices from those without TDS. All of the studied parameters correlated significantly negatively with TT concentration in blood serum, with VAI being the strongest predictor of TDS. It was shown that the threshold value at which the risk of TDS increased was 28.41 kg/m2 for BMI, 1.58 for VAI, 104 cm for WC, and 37.01 for LAP. Conclusions: Indicators of fat accumulation that take into account biochemical parameters in assessing lipid metabolism are better markers of actual body fat deposition than indicators based solely on anthropometric measurements. Among them, VAI seems the most suitable biomarker of TDS in non-diabetic aging men

    The Relationship between Selected Demographic Factors and Speech Organ Dysfunction in Sporadic ALS Patients

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    Background and objectives: Speech disorders are observed in 30% of newly diagnosed sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Characterized by a dynamic course, dysfunction of articulation has not so far been well understood. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of demographic factors (sex, age, duration of the disease) and concomitant diseases (degenerative spine disease, depression, hypertension, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and allergy) on the functioning of speech organs in ALS patients. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 65 patients with sporadic ALS. Patients were examined for articulatory functions by means of the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA). Results: 68% of the study sample had spinal disorders. Logistic regression analysis showed that a decline in the functioning of lips, soft palate, length of phonation, and voice loudness was more common among men. Patients diagnosed with degenerative spine disease more often suffered from respiratory disorders, while younger patients (<60 years of age) significantly more often had the impairment of the sentence and spontaneous speech functions. Conclusions: The male gender in patients with ALS is associated with an increased risk of deterioration of the phonation length function. Patients under 60 years of age are associated with more often pronouncing sentences disorders and spontaneous speech disorders

    Humoral Influence of Repeated Lineage-Negative Stem/Progenitor Cell Administration on Articulatory Functions in ALS Patients

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) remains a fatal, neurodegenerative disease frequently leading to dysarthria and impaired swallowing. Better understanding of ALS pathophysiology is prompting the use of humoral cell therapies. Hence, a repeated cellular therapy was applied to ALS patients as an attempt to prevent speech deterioration. Autologous bone marrow-derived lineage-negative (Lin−) cells were intrathecally administered three times at six-week intervals to 42 sporadic ALS patients. Patients were examined for articulatory functions using subjective (VHI) and objective (FDA) scales. Selected trophic, proinflammatory factors and expression profiles of miRNA were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma by multiplex Luminex and q-PCR in different timepoints. Of the 42 patients who received the Lin− cells, 6 showed improvement in articulatory functions, 27 remained stable, and 9 deteriorated after 18 weeks of therapy according to FDA scale. Clinical improvement was particularly evident by the 7th day of each cell application and concerned better cough and swallow reflex, soft palate, laryngeal time, pitch, and volume. These results correlated with significant changes in the concentration of various trophic and proinflammatory factors and miRNA expression profiles. A multiple application of Lin− cells proved to be safe and feasible. The repeated procedure can potentate a humoral effect and prevent speech deterioration. A short-lasting trophic effect of each Lin− cells administration was observed on local and systemic level. However, further in-depth studies are necessary to sustain the beneficial effect